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Management Committee

In section 13 of the MAFs Act, 1995, the governance and general control of Namaf and of all its affairs and functions are vested in the MC, which is tasked with executing Namaf’s statutory mandate. 

The MC is composed of nine members, seven of which are voting members and two co-opted members elected by the authorised representative nominated by all registered medical aid funds. MAFs with more than 2000 members nominate a maximum of two authorized representatives for election, while MAFs with less than 2000 members nominate one authorized representative. Once elected, members of the MC hold office for three years, where after they are eligible for re-election. Once elected, the MC amongst themselves elects the President, Vice-President, and Treasurer of the MC.
The Management Committee meets:

In terms of section 16 of the MAFs Act, 1995, the MC must at least convene four meetings per year with intervals of no more than three months. The MC held four (4) ordinary meetings and three (3) extraordinary meetings during the reporting period.

The following members serve on the Management Committee:
Mr. Pieter Theron - namaf
Mr. Pieter Theron


Ms. Rachel Kalipi


Mr. Stephen Tjiuoro - namaf
Mr. Stephen Tjiuoro

Namaf Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Desley Hennie Somseb
Mr. Desley Somseb


Dr. Erich Karl-Heinz Mansfeld


Mr. Erastus Molatudi


Mr. Sam Kauapirura


Mr. Gabriel Tjombe - namaf
Mr. Gabriel Tjombe

Co-Opted Member

Ms. Valeria Muchero - namaf
Ms. Valerie Muchero

Co-Opted Member

Mrs. Dantago Garoses
Mrs. Dantago Garosas



In terms of section 15(1) of the MAF Act, the MC established committees to assist it to perform its functions and appointed experts from different disciplines in the healthcare industry. The rationale for Committees is for MC to divide its work into manageable chunks and tap into the specific talents, skills, and knowledge of individual MC members and experts from different specialties to enable the full MC to take decisions on matters delegated to Committees. Each Committee is governed by a Terms of Reference and exercises powers that are delegated to it by the MC.

Affordability Committee

The Affordability Committee (AffCom) is an advisory committee without decision-making powers. It is mandated to consider all matters relating to affordability and accessibility. The AffCom is comprised of experts in the private healthcare funding industry and corporate risk management

Statutory Affairs Committee

The Statutory Affairs and Risk Management Committee considers matters related to health policy; legal, statutory, and forensic Management; and clinical and financial risk within the healthcare funding industry. It also fulfils an oversight role in respect of relationships within the healthcare funding industry. The sub-committee makes recommendations to the MC and has no decision-making authority. The Statutory Affairs and Risk Management Committee is made up of legal and forensic management experts.

Clinical and Coding Committee

The Clinical and Coding Committee considers and advises the MC on clinical matters. The Clinical and Coding Committee deals with clinical coding, including annual coding changes, medical aid funds risk exposure, and clinical risk management matters that affect the private healthcare funding industry. The sub-committee does not have executive powers.

It is made up of three MC members, HCPs, and individuals with knowledge of clinical coding structures.

Namaf Strategy (2021-2023)

This strategic plan is founded on five themes, namely:

To firm up Namaf as the regulator that provides a clear leadership and direction in the governance of the healthcare industry,

To lead the healthcare industry in Namibia in the creation of a blueprint for a sustainable future,

To be the catalyst of relevant research, development, and learning in the industry,

To be at the forefront of a collaborative healthcare system, sharing knowledge and taking action to achieve real benefits with and for stakeholders, and

To secure adequate resources and support for effective strategy execution.

Business Unit:
Mr. Stephen Tjiuoro - namaf
Mr. Stephen Tjiuoro

Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Brian Chaka - namaf
Mr. Brian Chaka

Head: Corporate Services

Ms. Justina Nelulu - namaf
Ms. Justina Nelulu


Ms. Uatavi Mbai - namaf
Ms. Uatavi Mbai

Stakeholder Relations & Corporate Communications Manager

Ms. Ramona Mathupi - namaf
Ms. Ramona Mathupi

PCNS Consultant

Ms. Ndapandula Shindume
Ms. Ndapandula Shindume

Executive Assistant

Ms. Tina Rikuako - namaf
Ms. Tina Riruako

Office Assistant