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Annual Reports

NAMAF Annual Report 2022
NAMAF Annual Report 2021
NAMAF Annual Report 2020
NAMAF Annual Report 2019
NAMAF Annual Report 2018


Strategy And Stakeholder Feedback

NAMAF Strategic Review - Report to MC
Addendum A - Stakeholder Feedback
2023 Stakeholder Survey Results
NAMAF Intervention Prioritization Workshop 26/06/2023
NAMAF Strategy for 2024-2026


INTERVENTION … Namibian Association of Medical Aid Funds (Namaf) chief executive Stephen Tjiuoro says the highest cost in the medical aid industry is hospital bills, which totals 31% of the N$5 billion industry.
NAMAF cracks down on overcharging by medical service providers
NAMAF Wants Price-Capping on Medicine
Trustee Training Media Invite - July 2018
Trustee Training Registration Form 2018
NAMAF Concerned Over Sharp Rise in Healthcare Costs
New sheriff vows to bring order to medical aid fund industry
Medical aid claims up
Medical aid funds: Not business as usual
Doctors face financial strain amid changing healthcare system
Dokters 'gedwing' om bybetalings te eis


Trustee Development Training 2021 Presentations

Cirrus Namibia Macro Update NAMAF Nov 2021
MAF And FIM Act 2001 Trustee Training
NAMAF Strategy 2021-2023 Trustee Training Nov 2021
NAMFISA Presentation - NAMAF Training 2021

Trustee Development Training 2019 Presentations

Medical Aid Legal Framework - SA Perspective By: Craig Burton-Durham General Manager: Legal Services - Council for Medical Schemes - SA
NAMAF Regulatory Overview: Medical Aid Act By: Mr. Stephen Tjiuoro: Chief Executive Officer - NAMAF
NAMFISA Regulatory Overview: Medical Aid & FIM Bill By: Mrs. Grace Mohamed: GM: Insurance & Medical Aid Funds - NAMFISA
Functioning of Medical Aid Fund_Health Governance_Training_2019_By Charlton Murove_BHF
Functioning of Medical Aids By: Mr. Charlton Murove: Head: Research Board of Healthcare Funders of Southern Africa (BHF)
Economic Environment and Forecast for Namibia: By: Mr. Rowland Brown: Cirrus - Co-Founder
Fraud, Waste and Abuse By: Mr. Charlton Murove: Head: Research - Board of Healthcare Funders of Southern Africa (BHF)
Governance Structures: Namcode and Risk Management By: Mrs. Melanie Harris - Director: Risk Advisory Deloitte Namibia
Governance Structures: King IV/Namcode and Practical Examples (Case Study included) By: Prof. Daniel Malan - Director: Centre for Corporate Governance in Africa| Associate professor Business Ethics and Corporate Governance University of Stellenbosch Business School

Trustee Development Training 2018 Presentations

NAMAF Medical Funds in a changing world - Dr Rajesh Patel
NAMAF Financial management - Koos du Toit
NAMAF HPCNA - Sylvia Hamata
NAMAF Considerations in Assessing Treatment for Finance Packages - Kudzai Chigiji
NAMAF Presentation Trustee Training - Stephen Tjiuoro
NAMAF Prof Daniel Malan Presentation

Drivers Of Healthcare Inflation Workshop & Training Session Presentations

1. NAMAF Workshop Agenda JvZ
2. Opening & Welcome Intro 2019 ST
3. Cost, Quality & Value of Healthcare 2019 JvZ
4. Risk Pooling & Components of Medical Inflation 2019 JS
5. Namibian Experience What does the Data Show 2019 JvZ
6. Prudential vs Market Conduct Regulation 2019 ST
7. Supply & Demand Side Management 2019 JvZ
8. Clinical Risk Management
9 .The role of Regulators ST

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