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namaf - pcns application and renewal

Practice Coding Numbering System Application and Renewal

In accordance with regulation 5(1) of the regulations made under the Medical Aid Funds Act, Namaf issues practice numbers (PNs) to healthcare providers.

Practice numbers are a means of identifying healthcare providers linked to a scope of practice, which in turn links to procedure codes specific to the scope.

Link to the PCNS Application/Renewal System: https://www.namafpcns.com/Namaf/

Practice Coding Numbering System Guidelines

What I am looking at is the consolidation of data from all entities that are dealing with medical claims. I would want to pull MVA Fund, Social Security Commission (SSC) and PSEMAS so as to work on a solid database where you would do profiling, analysis of trends and patterns of claims and all of that, in order to clean out the industry of anyone who wants to misbehave.

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